Only trade with funds you can afford to lose. Taking any of our services does not guarantee profit. NB: Before you purchase our services you need to understand losses that occur while you have subscribed to us are at your own cost as a trader. Previous results do not guarantee future profit
Don't over trade your account!!!
Use correct lotsize for your account!!!
Always set your SL and TP as given
Hold your position till SL or TP is hit
Signals are only issued when our setup arrives
We release Swing trades
1 Month Signals
Sent for 30 days
120USD/ R1700
3 Month Signals
Sent for 90 days
324USD/ R4 500
6 Month Signals
Sent for 180days
620USD/ R8 670
12 Month Signals
Sent for 360days
1 152USD/ R16 320
24 Month Signals
Sent for 730days
2 200USD/ R32 640
We send signals out via Whatsapp broadcast list. You will receive anything from 0-6 high probability trades a day
depending on the market activity.
Bank Details
Account Holder: Traders Trade Academy
Account Number: 1138373885
Bank: Nedbank
Branch Code: 130526
Swift code: NEDSZAJJ
Address: 135 Rivonia, Road
Sandown, 2193
South Africa
Reference: Your name and cell number
Proof of payment must be sent to
Please note that the signal fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Signals are given as high probability trades as they become available.
Please be aware of the risks involved in trading and also understand that those risks also apply even when taking our signals. Our past results do not guarantee future profits. We look forward to working with you.